Directed by Nick Palmer, “Bye My Lonely (Warped Tour Diary)” chronicles MC Bravado closing the book on his career as a High School English Teacher and leaving town to join the Vans Warped Tour in Summer 2018, just days after the untimely passing of his roommate. One devastating loss was immediately followed by another, as one of Bravado’s childhood friends died suddenly, only one week into his cross-country trek. Produced by Militant Marxman, the song and visual tell a story of pursuing your destiny in the face of grief and forging meaningful new bonds through a newfound acceptance of vulnerability.
The video has the look and feel of a journal entry from a notebook full of sketches, scribbles, and tears on its college ruled pages. Editor Mike Jon collects Palmer’s scenes from the RV stumbling through state lines and interweaves them with photos of Bravado’s friends to produce the effect of memories permeating the present.
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