Video: TNT Tez “Lit”

Birmigham native TNT Tez drops a visual “Lit,” a track that sees him spitting bars like, “Bitch I’m from Alabama / Speak stupid grammar,” while rocking an afro dyed like blue raspberry and grape Jolly…

Video: TNT Tez “Top”

Birmingham native TNT Tez releases a visual for his latest single titled “Top.” In the video, Tez stalks a basketball court in a Dodgers jersey and limited edition Jordan 1’s, showing off his foreign car in front…

Video: TNT Tez “Wok”

In a fun new video that looks like a teenage dream, TZT Tez, makes a splash in “Wok”. With super soakers galore, the Birmingham Bama turns up in a backyard pool party with his entire…