Off The Porch: Drewzkii & CTB Spiffy On Chattanooga, ROECHATT, “No Filter” Addressing Hate, Their Chemistry, and More

Drewzkii & CTB Spiffy

We recently connected with Drewzkii & CTB Spiffy for an exclusive “Off The Porch” interview! During our sit down Drewzkii talked about moving to Chattanooga from Louisiana, Spiffy talked about the way of life in Chattanooga, they explain how they first met, their chemistry in the studio together, Drewzkii explains why he changed his name to Geechie, not dropping a project since last October, taking a backseat to push Spiffy, explains what ROECHATT is, the music scene in Chattanooga right now, Spiffy reveals what CTB stands for, what inspired him to start rapping, new videos, upcoming tape, Drewzkii upcoming music video “No Filter”, getting hate in his city, not knowing the music business when he was younger, his previous song “Check The Sco”, fatherhood, not having a relationship with his father, they share advice for the youth, and much more!

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