We recently sat back down with Jose Guapo for an exclusive “Off The Porch” interview! During our conversation he talked about being in a good space mentally right now, being focused back on music, always being consistent with dropping new music, explains why he named his new project ‘Sorry For The Addiction’, not being a space where he wanted to make music the last time he was on the porch in 2022, reveals he never abused drugs, turning to drugs after his brother XVL Lil Money passed, reveals the project features all new music, putting a lot of different vibes not he project, explains why he didn’t put any features on the project, losing a lot of people close to him, reveals what type of person Takeoff was away from the music, his fans motivating him to keep making music, disabling his IG, not paying attention to online trolls, upcoming music videos, how it deals with people recognizing him in public, gives an update on XVL Hedndrix, shares advice fro the youth, reveals his keys to staying relevant for 15 years, doing a podcast with Ugly Money, remembering his lyrics, listening to his old music, what he wants his legacy to be when he’s done with music, and much more!
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