In the year 2017, the imaginative minds of brothers Damian (Dollas) and Chris (Benji) birthed the vibrant Southern street wear brand known as Tulones. Their profound desire to create a clothing line that truly resonated with their unique way of life propelled them into action. Nestled in the heart of Atlanta, Tulones embraces the values and essence of a lifestyle cultivated amidst the captivating city of Mobile, Alabama, and now endeavors to spread its influence across the globe. In this episode Benji and Dolla discuss the inspiration behind launching their clothing line, turning their passion into profit, growing up in the Deep South, attending a performing arts high school, building their brand reputation, diversifying their inventory for a competitive advantage, Tulones’ first brand influencer – VL Deck, having hip-hop artists like Young Thug, Hoodrich Pablo Juan, and Lil Baby wearing their clothes, giving back to the community, never making the same article of clothing twice, the importance of work ethic, and much more! Out The Mud is DGB’s new Docuseries which spotlights a diverse range of influential individuals who share the valuable lessons they learned on their journeys to success. Through intimate interviews the series aims to inspire and motivate viewers by highlighting the stories of overcoming adversity to achieve their goals from the ground up and get it “Out The Mud”! Dirty Glove Bastard was created in 2007 to shine more light on the buzzing, regional music scenes in the South & Midwest.
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