Austin, TX
In the fourth installment of his “Game Time” series, Austin rapper Quin NFN has released the video for his single, “Game Time 4.” Starting in the summer of 2017, Quin released ‘Game Time‘ which quickly lead to support from regional outlets that began to turn the eyes of the state onto him. Following with the window shattering part two and the NFN dance off that was part three, Quin NFN has kept the series consistently solid.
In ‘Game Time 4’ the rapper does not let his fans down. Over a Real Chance beat the rapper does what he has been gaining notoriety in the South for, rapping his ass off. His aggressive style matched with catchy bars pairs perfectly with the bass heavy trap banging beat. The young Texas rapper has been making an undeniable mark on his city in the last year, and we’re excited for what he has in store.
With his gang behind him, Quin is beginning to seem more and more unstoppable as the year progresses. Find out more about the young Texas rapper in his Elevator interview here.
Watch the Fresco Films directed video below:
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